I’m located in Lisbon, Portugal
Embody Strength group classes are at TriggerPoint (Av. Duque da Loulé 47, 5 Dto) on Wednesdays or online by zoom on Wednesdays and Thursdays. You can mix and match classes as you like.
Embody Jazz classes are at Jardim da Estrela on Saturdays.
Embody You sessions are done at TriggerPoint (Av. Duque da Loulé 47, 5 Dto).
Private dance or movement classes can be done outdoor or at TriggerPoint or another indoor space you provide which is energetically comfortable and adequate for the purpose.
Human Design sessions can be done in my home near Rato, or at TriggerPoint (Av. Duque da Loulé 47, 5 Dto) or online by zoom.
Contact me:
By email ~ abethswst @ gmail.com (without spaces)
By text message ~ 912 12 12 2 6