Would You like me to Guide You in Your Life’s Dance?

  • What we dance is life, and life itself dances us.

  • Beingness is the place from which doing happens.

  • You can trust that the body is always doing something meaningful. 

  • Life is.  And the body knows better than mind.

  • You are your own authority and no one knows what’s correct for you except you.

  • You don’t need to fix yourself, but rather to accept yourself.

Am I the right fit?

This life is about dancing your own unique choreography.

Am I the right guide for helping to discover your dance?

This site gives you a chance to learn a bit about how I see and move through life.  Would you like to read a bit about my life?  Or check out my YouTube channel to hear about my experiences of living in this body?

You can begin to sense if you respond to me or feel invited in by my uniqueness.

I’m always looking for a foundation which actually works.  So the techniques I teach or use spring from my own personal investigations and trial and error process.

There are a variety of tools I have been playing with as I’ve been living my own embodied dance.

My hope is for your awareness of your embodied true self to grow, through a more integral relationship with your own unique body consciousness.

Here are the main tools I use for guiding the dance of embodiment at the moment!

Real simplicity is about the lyrical innocence of allowing yourself to be, so that the immensity that you carry can actually become in the way it wants to become.

Find ecstasy within yourself.  It is not out there.  It is in your innermost flowering.  The one you are looking for is you.

Find ecstasy within yourself.  It is not out there.  It is in your innermost flowering.  The one you are looking for is you.

Put simply, this is a map that shows you how to make decisions as yourself, not by your mind, but in an embodied way.  Human Design is called the “Science of Differentiation,” as it maps out the potential of your uniqueness, synthesizing various bodies of knowledge such as Astrology, the Hindu-Brahmin Chakras, the Chinese I’Ching, the Tree of Life from the Kabbalist tradition, Quantum Physics, Genetics and Biochemistry.

Germanische Heilkunde explains our own biology, describing how the body works as part of nature. In 1981 Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer discovered five biological laws which determine the causes and processes of what we have up until now termed “disease”.  There are no statistics, guesswork, hypotheses or theories involved in GHk.  We see that the body has purpose in everything it does and lose the fear around our health.